Spanner in the works
Nov 23, 2013
Today didn't quite go as planned. It started at the hairdressers and ended at home after a 9 hour stint in A&E.
Yesterday was fairly chilled. I went to Michelle’s for a coffee and a chat and then came home and relaxed.
We have a list of symptoms to keep an eye out for which could indicate a reaction to treatments. It’s quite a long list and we keep having to look at it to make sure nothing is happening that shouldn’t. Into the evening, Ross noticed I was looking a bit flushed, so took my temperature. Anything over 37.5’ he has to call the nurse. It was over, so he called her. I hate making a fuss, but was told to get over it and take a couple of paracetamol and call again if anything changed.
Probably about this time, I was starting to get chest pains. I knew this was a big red flag and should mention it to Ross but I didn’t. Ross woke up at 3am in the morning and went to get a glass of water. Whilst he was gone the iPad charger which was plugged in behind my bedside table exploded. Literally. It went pop! It tripped the sockets, but luckily apart from the charger and cable, and a slightly singed socket, all was fine. I thought it prudent to mention the pains this point. I played it down, and we went back to sleep.
In the morning, I went to see Izzy my hairdresser so she could work some magic on the wig I’d bought. She did a great job. It doesn’t scream wig, and I think it’ll be fine.
The chest pains were still there, so when Ross came home from taking Felix to Ruggers, I thought it best to ‘fess up. He was straight onto the nurse and we were told in no uncertain terms to get to A&E. This unfortunately meant Imogen missing her dance class. I’ll have to make it up to her. She was very upset.
So then we entered the time vortex of the Lister hospital. I had all sorted of tests thrown at me and they all came back clear. They kept me in to see if anything changed but it didn’t. Eventually, I put up a convincing enough argument to be allowed home. I have strict instructions to take the painkillers, and to go back if anything changes. Anything at all. I need to go back early next week for a review just to make sure though.
So, I’m now in my own bed, still in pain, but home. Maybe tomorrow will be better.