Scores on the Doors
Nov 13, 2013
We saw a clinical oncologist today for further treatment plans and more information.
We now know I have Stage 2 Grade 3 Cancer. We also know the TMN score. This is T3 N2 M0. Basically it means, there’s more than two lumps or tumours, it’s spread to 2 nodes, but it’s nowhere else.
The Doctor today reiterated what the surgeon said, which is that they are treating me with a view to curing me. Completely destroying or removing any and all cancer that may be lurking in my body. This is good to know that everyone is on the same page as me. I won’t be beaten.
So the next step is getting the chemotherapy underway. This could start as early as Friday. (Private health insurance comes up trumps again). I’ll be having a Portocath fitted which will mean the drugs go straight into a vein in my chest rather than a needle in my arms. To be honest, I don’t care. I just want to get cracking and get rid of this horrible disease which has turned my life upside down.
I’m still having pain in my arm and shoulder which is getting annoying now. Wish it would give it a rest. I’m feeling like an invalid. And quite fragile which is increasingly annoying me. It’s something I’m going to have to get used to as it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
But as Pinky told me when I bumped into her in Tesco, we need to stay positive. I’m continuing to receive cards and messages of support, as well as hugs in supermarkets and school yards, and every single one is very much appreciated. The phone calls to my Dad and Julie are also enormously helpful. Talking to them helps put things in focus as it can get very blurry here at times. Not least because I’m looking through tear filled eyes.