Radio Ga Ga
Aug 08, 2016
I'm 5 into a course of 10 radiotherapy sessions.
I think it’s fair to say I completely underestimated how the radiotherapy would affect me. I had 15 sessions two years ago for the breast cancer, and I was lucky with the side effects. I had been told to expect skin soreness, swelling, redness and tiredness. I was warned that I could end up with an open wound that would take ages to heal. I ended up with a square tan on my chest, and a little bit tired, but not enough to stop me doing what I wanted to do. In fact after the last session, we went off camping for the weekend and had a great time. Admittedly, I stayed at the campsite for a nap when the rest of the campers went off for a forest adventure taking Imy and Felix with them. Ross stayed to keep an eye on me…and the beer.
The initial session of this course of 10, had been delayed from 13:30 until 16:30 as the Cyberknife I had in February had complicated things. They needed to make sure that any further radiotherapy would not cause me any damage in the future. When the taxi picked me up to take me to the radiotherapy centre, the approval still had not been received.
During all this palava, I was starting to get a bit nervous, and it was causing my tummy to feel a bit jittery. Eventually, approval was given, and I had my first zap at about 5pm. The taxi took me home and I got there just as Ross was serving up the tea I’d made earlier from the slow cooker. Just one whiff of the food sent me over the top, and I had to run to the loo to be sick. After that, I sat very pale on my new chair* until it was time to go to bed, hoping that the next day would be better.
The second session was at the usual time of 13:30, and the same happened. I got home, was sick and fell asleep. It was still a bug as far as I was concerned.
On the Wednesday, I had a day off, as I was due to have a heart scan, see the cardiologist, and then the usual infusions of Herceptin and Zometa. Fortunately, I kept my stomach contents to myself! Yay! (Although some day off!)
On the Thursday, it was back to being zapped, getting home, being sick and sleeping. At this point, enough was enough and I contacted the radiographers on the Friday morning to tell them about the sickness. They contacted my consultant, and by Friday afternoon I was in possession of some tablets to stop me feeling and being sick. It was like magic. One of those babies, and the sickness was gone. The relief!
One thing it didn’t sort out for me, was the fatigue and tiredness. Completely different to the last time. If last time, it was mild, this time it’s severe. I don’t feel like I’m a particularly useful human being at the minute. Although I did feel a bit brighter this morning when this arrived from Hotel Chocolat. I was lucky enough to receive a gift card from Ellie’s Friend who’s aim “is to give adults living with cancer the opportunity to enjoy life, not just survive it!”. Champagne truffle’s? Guilty as charged!
5 more sessions to go.
*After a recent trip to IKEA, I got a chair that would support my back better than our sofa’s do. Our fat cat Mog, however, seems to think it’s hers, so we have daily stand off as to who is going to have it. Pesky Cat.