Peas In A Pod
May 23, 2018
Peas - small, green, innocuous vegetables.
I had a full body MRI scan 2 weeks ago to see if I had any new growths. I have them every 3-4 months at the Paul Srictland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in North West London. I’m not a fan of that hospital, but we do what we must.
Three days ago I went to see my Oncologist for the results. We had a quick update on the CPAP diagnosis and treatment, and then we got onto the scan results. Unfortunately, despite having a 9 week course of Chemo and then also adding Perjeta to my 3 weekly Herceptin infusion last summer, the tumours which were first diagnosed in May 2017, have grown. Here’s where the peas come in… They were now each just less than 1cm in diameter, the size of a pea, and both in the same relative place, the ball joint in my shoulder, and the ball joint in my hip.
So, what’s next? The existing treatment is keeping everything under control except in these two areas, so there is no need for an overall change to treatment just yet. The ideal scenario would be to have 3 to 5 sessions of Cyberknife, with both areas being treated one after the other, making for a very long stretch at Mount Vernon. Cyberknife is targeted high dose radiotherapy, and is a new technology. I had it in February 2016 on my back.
My Oncologist is trying to clear this, but there are two other options. One is standard radiotherapy, which is at a lower dose and wider area than the Cyberknife. The last, and least preferred option, is joint replacements. Obviously, that is very invasive surgery and has a long recovery period. No thanks.
I’m next seeing the Oncologist in 3 weeks, and we’ll have a plan of attack then.
It’s a shitty bit of news, but it could have been worse. The two areas are painful, but I can always increase the amount of Morphine I’m taking. The Palliative Consultant in the Hospice is keeping an eye on me and encouraging me to alter my meds should I feel the need and giving me the knowledge and confidence in order to do that.
So, with Imy’s exams, half term holiday and Felix’s birthday, we’ll continue on with life as normally as we can and keep on, keeping on.