
Mar 14, 2014

I'm back at the leisure centre where I've written a few of these blog posts.

It’s been an odd week. After getting the genetic test results and then speaking to the oncologist we’ve had a lot to think about. The CHEK2 gene mutation has been known about in the genetic circles for over ten years but it’s not routinely tested for and as a result there’s no clear guidelines as to how to proceed.

I spoke to my surgeon and he needs to discuss with the multidisciplinary team to decide the best way forward. It’s not unreasonable in these circumstances to have a risk reducing mastectomy.

They’ve been trying to gauge how I feel about the double. To be honest, if it’s going to mean I’ve a better chance keeping this horrible disease at bay, then I’ll have it. It’s a no brainer really.

Today’s been as normal a day as I’ve had in a while. I took the bairns to school. I went to a gin club coffee morning at Lesley’s, then Ross and I did a supermarket shop. I had a nap, and the did the school run, and made tea. We’ve come to the leisure centre to watch Imogen do gymnastics.

I’m supposed to be going to my Gin Club friend, Anna’s house tonight for drinks, but I’m not sure I’ll make it. I’m tired.