Memories - with Voices
Jan 20, 2017
As a family, we have an uncertain future.
We live our lives in 3 month periods. There’s an MRI at the beginning, followed by an appointment with the Oncologist, if it’s not good, we deal with it, if it is, we wait until the next scan. So in these 3 month periods of calm, (and long may they continue), the idea is that we set up as many fun and interesting experiences for the family, and me as an individual or with friends, as we can.
The current chunk of ‘Well Time’ included Christmas and visits from Grandad Mike and Grandma Julie and Uncle Max, a New Year’s Eve party, and a New Year’s Day party.
We took the opportunity to get the stairs and Felix’s room decorated, and then a new carpet put down on the stairs. Things we’ve had in mind for ages, but haven’t got round to. Now they are done, and we only have Ross’s study left to do.
We saw The Son’s of Pitches in St. Albans, we went to see Star Wars: Rogue One, and also to the panto, Peter Pan, at the Gordon Craig in Stevenage.
Imy is in her school choir, and they performed in a few Christmas concerts in churches in Stevenage and Baldock, but the highlight for Imy and the choir was singing at The O2. You heard me right, The O2! The arena which has seen Rihanna, Prince, Bon Jovi, Plácido Doming, Beyoncé, One Direction, Monty Python, The Spice Girls, 2012 Olympic Artistic Gymnastics, and Olympic and Paralympic Basketball finals, AND… Hartsfield JMI as part of the Young Voices Choir. Amazing!!!
Young Voices is a big organisation which signs up loads of schools, gets them to learn the same songs, have a rehearsal in the afternoon, and then perform to a packed arena audience in the evening. There were nearly eight thousand children in the choir, and they perform on the night with a band, and special guests including Natalie Williams, who is well known on the live music circuit, The Beat Box Collective, and a very funky street dance crew. But the real stars, the kids, were amazing. We had such a great time.
The programme and the ticket will be put in our Family Memory Box, because that's one heck of a memory for us all, not least for our songbird, Imy.
We are drawing to the end of our current three month period which means the anxiety of the impending scan is increasing. However, we are still planning on making as many memories as a family as we can, and have a few already in the diary for 2017.