
Feb 20, 2016

A brilliant, fantastic experience.

I had been instructed that Saturday was my strict day of rest. I was not to leave the Igloo at all in preparation for Sunday’s Birthday Party. Lesley came to visit with some jeans I’d asked her to buy for me, and then Fiona came round with Jess to organise some party bags, a surprise for our party guests.

For Ross, my Dad, and the bairns it was a different matter. Imogen and Felix had won a competition to be Mascots for The Saracens, their favourite premiership Rugby Union team. The game was on Saturday afternoon, at their home game to Gloucester. It was a minor fixture in the great scheme of rugby premiership games, but to them it was the best game of the season. They were given a tour of the tunnel and changing rooms, and when the time came they accompanied a player onto the pitch before the game. They had such a good time and were buzzing with excitement when they came to tell me about it all afterwards.
