Keeping on, keeping on.
Jan 12, 2014
On Wednesday, we were at two different hospitals.
I saw the Oncologist in the morning to have a review of my treatment. Despite my cold he was happy to continue. I mentioned my chest was tight and was feeling a bit breathless so it was decided that I’d have a CT scan to rule out the possibility of a blood clot on my lung. This is a risk of having the port which I have fitted.
So in the afternoon we went to another hospital for the CT scan. This is the downside of going private. Things aren’t all in one place. Still, we’ve been given fantastic care, wherever we’ve been treated. We later hear, that it’s not a blood clot, and we are relieved.
On Friday, we return for my Chemo, and I sleep for the duration of the treatment. Once home, I sleep some more, only getting up once the bairns are home from school so Ross can attend some work meetings online.
The weekend was quiet for me. I got lots of rest and only ventured out to see if Felix could remember how to ride his bike. He hadn’t. It was frustrating.
I think the level of Chemo induced fatigue has surprised me and Ross. I feel wiped out for most of the time. I find it frustrating, so Ross must too. I’m so lucky to have him and think he’s wonderful. I’ve said it before, and will say it again, he rocks, and is my Rock.
He’s signed up for Dryathlon & Janathlon and I know he’s finding it tough, but he’s raised a lot of money for Cancer Research, which is a cause very important to us at the moment. Stay Strong Ross. You can do it. X