Holidays, Birthdays & Bad News

Jun 12, 2017

As a family, the past month has been great!

Over half term Felix turned 9, and we went on holiday to Norfolk. We didn’t quite march the kids for miles as we’ve done on holidays in the past, but we did go for short walks and Treasure Trails, which were great fun. We went for a (very short) swim in the sea, caught some crabs off Cromer Pier, ate out for Felix’s birthday treat and had a thoroughly relaxing time. In fact it’s fair to say, that apart from the fatigue, I’m feeling the best I have in 18 months.

Norfolk Holiday

My Dad and Julie came down to visit for the weekend to look after the kids whilst Ross and I went off to a fancy hotel as a joint 40th present from them. I’d managed to forget my handbag, so after an emergency run to Boots for a private prescription (top tip: carry your repeat prescription with you, or have it in the car at all times), and then a purchase of a new handbag, we were able to relax. We had a great time - saw a man walking his parrot down the street, we drank cocktails, ate like lords, chatted, laughed a lot and saw Rod Stewart in a garden centre on the way home. Thank you Dad & Julie. xx

Down Hall

Yesterday, we went to see the Oncologist for the results of the scan I’d had the week before. Given how well I’m feeling, we were quite optimistic, but as it turns out, that optimism was misplaced. The scan has picked up two new tumours, one in my shoulder and one in my hip.

Over the next couple of weeks, the change in treatment will be finalised, and I may have to have another course of chemo. I don’t know the full details as it’s being decided between my Oncologist and the health insurance company.

I think it’s fair to say, that Ross and I are both gutted. We had thought we were on a winning streak, and things would continue on an even keel. Sadly, this is not to be. Family and friends are rallying once again, getting ready to step into the breach should Ross and I need any help. Help that is completely priceless, and for which we are very thankful and humbled by.

For now, whilst we wait, I’m keen to keep things as normal as possible, and then we’ll deal with whatever happens next when it happens. But first things first, family life goes on, and we’ve got Imy and Felix’s joint birthday party on Saturday to organise!

So we keep on, keeping on.
