Happy Anniversary

Mar 26, 2014

Today is our 9th wedding anniversary.

Ross has gone into London for work, and I’m looking after the children as there’s a teachers strike. Hopefully we’ll all meet up later and go for a curry for tea.

Had things gone to plan, I’d be recovering from a mastectomy and Axillary Node Clearance. As it happens the surgery has been postponed until next Monday as my medical team needed to do some research to decide whether it would be worth doing a risk reducing mastectomy on the other side as well. We met with him yesterday and he’s agreed to do it. The surgeon said he would normally send women in my position to a plastic surgeon, a geneticist and a psychologist. He said none were relevant in my case. I told him that my boobs have done what they need to do, fed both bairns for over a year each, and as they are now trying to kill me, I’m not interested in trying to save them. Every year I would be going for a mammogram, and waiting for them to tell me it had come back. I don’t need that. I don’t want that. I can change that.

So, now I’ll be going in on Monday, and having a bilateral mastectomy with Node Clearance. I need to pack my hospital bag and get myself sorted.

It’s going to be fine.
