Drip, drip, drip

Dec 20, 2013

The blood test results came back and it was all system's go for the Chemotherapy today.

It was a bit more stressful than we intended as all my appointments so far have been at 10am. However, as the bairns had a short day at school and finished at 12, we’d made the appointment for 9:30. We realised at 8:35, and mild panic ensued. It’s a 40 min drive to Harpenden! Thankfully, Michelle hadn’t left, and we were able to get the bairns to her so she could take them to school. Phew! Thank you Michelle!

We arrived at the hospital right on time and I was hooked up to the drip, given saline to flush the tube, anti sickness, antacid, steroids, antihistamine, the chemo drugs, more saline and some anticoagulants.

Ross grassed me up to the nurse who told her last night I came over a bit sick and felt faint. She took my blood pressure and heart rate, which were both fine, but after looking at my blood test results again decided it was probably because my haemoglobin was a touch low. Not low enough to give me iron tablets, but enough to warrant steak, dark chocolate and spinach.

Two hours and a nap later, I’m all done, detached, and sent on my way.

Clair had picked the bairns up from school for us (Thanks Clair), and we arrived just as they got back. We decided a McDonalds was in order so off we went and I sat in Baldock Services with my baldy head out again. Get me.

When we got back home, I put a film on for the bairns and I promptly fell asleep on the sofa. Then, Ross took Imogen off to a party, and Felix to the barbers for his Christmas haircut. The rest of the day was fairly quiet with Ross taking Imogen to gymnastics and Felix watching the Crystal Maze. After tea, the bairns and I went to bed whilst Ross stayed up for the Christmas food shop delivery from Sainsburys. There’s a whole lot of food, and a lot that’s been forgotten!
