
Feb 24, 2015

It seems some things take their own sweet time.

I was supposed to be seeing the specialist tomorrow to get a plan of action for removing the cyst and hopefully a surgery date. I’ve spoken to him a couple of times since seeing him and it looks like he won’t have all the information for that appointment so it’s been delayed until late next week.

The Multi-disciplinery team have discussed my case, but haven’t come to a decision as they didn’t have all my scans upon which to base it. They have been reassured that the cyst is (most likely) not sinister because my CA125 marker levels are normal (yay!), but they still want the cyst to come out.

The next time the MDT meet, hopefully they’ll have all my scans and decide the extent of the surgery, namely if I need an Oophorectomy and whether it’s one or both. There’s a line in Orange is the New Black where Rosa is discussing her cancer with her counsellor and says “Who doesn’t love a surgery with ‘Ooph!’ in it.” We’ll go with that, because the side effects and aftermath aren’t really very pleasant, especially for someone my age.

The biggest impact all of these delays have had is that I can no longer go ahead with my reconstruction on the 28th March. It means I get the Easter Holidays with the kids back, but it also means that everything is delayed by at least 6 weeks once I’ve had the first lot of surgery.

And so in the absence of anything else, we wait some more.
