Chemical Wednesday
May 07, 2014
It's been just over 5 weeks since my surgery, and things are returning to normal. The new normal.
Uncle Max came to visit at the weekend, and we had a couple of lovely afternoons in the sun with friends at the Baldock Beer Festival. Ross even did a stint volunteering behind the bar.
I’ve been seeing the surgeon every week and a half to drain my wounds, and last week I saw the Oncologist again to discuss the next part of my treatment. The good (GREAT) news is that I won’t be having any more chemotherapy. Yippee!
In general terms, there are two paths to treating cancer.
- Chemotherapy (2 types over 4-5 month period), surgery, radiotherapy.
- Surgery, chemotherapy as above and radiotherapy.
There’s also biological and hormonal treatments that are offered depending on the pathology of the cancer. In my case Herceptin as I’m her+, and tamoxifen for er+.
As my lumps were big and nasty, they decided to give my the second lot of chemo first, they then decided to delay the second lot until after surgery and just get that out the way. When they examined the tissue they removed in surgery under the microscope, they found no evidence of cancer at all. After some deliberation the oncologist decided that the cons outweighed the pros for having the second lot of chemotherapy, and to carry on without it.
So, I’ve restarted the Herceptin treatment again which is given via a drip every three weeks. Today, it’s being administered more slowly than it been and I also had to stay in for observation for four hours afterwards in case of allergic reaction. This is because there’d been a break in the 3 week cycle, so they have to reload me. Next time it’ll not take as long, and even less after that. Hopefully I’ll be finished by Christmas.
I’ve got scans and radiotherapy planning appointments over the next few weeks, and the treatment itself will start in June. Basically I’ll have radiation fired at me everyday for 3 weeks.
In general, it’s all really positive. I’m still very tired, but I’m trying to up my mobility. My hair is also coming back nicely! No more hats or bandanas or wigs for me!
Ross has been great, and continues to be at my side at all my appointments. I’m so lucky to have him.
The bairns are fantastic and make me proud every day. They also make me laugh every day. I hope they look back on this in the future and see not a horrible, dark time, but a part of a journey to making them more compassionate and thoughtful adults. They are certainly wonderful children.