Change Of Plan

Jun 08, 2014

After saying I wasn't going to go out last night, I changed my mind.

I’m very glad I did. At about 7:30pm after discussing it with Ross we decided it would do me good to go out. So after a mad rush to get changed and put my makeup on, I met the Gin Club at the George for cocktails. It was a good night, with a lot of laughter, and some much needed distraction form the current treatment. It’s good to be reminded that life goes on.

Unfortunately, upon my return home, I had a bad nights sleep, with a recurring theme of decapitated LEGO men. Imogen was up with the pain from her ear infection and Ross didn’t have a great night either. Felix has taken to sleeping with swords, NERF guns and shields so he can fight the monsters in his bad dreams. (I can’t even begin to imagine how scared he must be.) Luckily, he seemed to be ok last night.

Today we had to go to the pet shop to get some Worming tablets for the cats. Merlin has become quite the hunter, and after leaving a baby crow on the lawn yesterday morning, Ross was greeted with a rat and a decapitated magpie today. As the sun was shining, we decided to walk and let the bairns go on their bikes. We also had a quick peek at bikes for Ross and I in Halfords. Maybe in the next month or two we can think about getting them as it’ll be great to take the kids out on country rides once I’m starting to feel more human.

So, the sun is shining, and we’re keeping on, keeping on. As is standard for us Lawley’s, (Baldock Branch).
