Busy bee
Dec 09, 2013
Another weekend sails by and the Christmas season is gathering pace.
Another busy weekend is over and I’m getting into the flow of being über house husband. I’ve taken the kids to the dentist, done five loads of laundry (the whites are still white!), chauffeured the kids to gymnastics and little ruggers. Shouted at villans and nearly abducted by an ugly sister at the pantomime. I cooked a truely awful massaman curry, I didn’t know it was possible to cook bad thai food but thanks to what at the time I thought was an inspired purchase of powered coconut milk, I managed it - bluergh bad times. I did the weekly food shop and took the kids swimming, somehow managed to end up at the supermarket shopping again. By Sunday lunchtime I had collapsed in a heap on the sofa knackered.
However, an hours swim isn’t enough for the kids to properly knacker them out, so whilst Julia had a sleep, I took the kids and headed out round Ivel Springs with a ball to kick, it’s becoming a Sunday tradition now. I knew that the Gaskells were off round for a walk and then there was a suggestion of a pint in the Orange Tree after. I was pleased when we bumped into them and Pete at the Springs, the little ones all ran round a bit chasing the football. A cheeky couple of pints afterwards rounded off the walk nicely. Then it was back home to cook up a roast chicken with all the trimmings. So another busy but good weekend passed by.
Julia’s hair is still falling out, she’s lucky she started with a lot but I now know how Han Solo must have felt sharing with Chewbacca, there’s hair everywhere! Julia was pleased that her hair had lasted for her to go out on Saturday night with the Gin Club for their Christmas meal. Some judicious combing hid the thinner parts well and I could see how relieved she was when getting ready that she’d look ok.
I was pleased Julia was good to go out but also I had some conflicting feelings. I was worried she was out late and would tire herself out but more than that I was jealous. It took me a time to realise it but I was jealous of the Gin Club, they’d get my Julia on good form for a few hours. It’s selfish of me but I knew I’d get a tired and exhausted Julia back and on Sunday she was and rested most the day. She missed the family stuff - swimming and the afternoon walk to recover.
All this picking up the slack and stepping up whilst Julia is ill makes me realise how amazing single parents must be. My hat iss off to them.
Chemotherapy starts again this week and it’s all change, no longer will it be once every 3 weeks but for the next 9 weeks we’ll be at the Hospital once a week for chemotherapy. I’d be lieing if I didn’t say we are nervous of what the effects of the new chemotherapy drug will be. But whatever the costs of getting better, we’ll knuckle down and get through it. I’m just really pleased Christmas is coming, with all its associated distractions. It gives team Lawley a place to focus on during for a couple of weeks at least.